Tuesday 11 October 2011

October Coach's Corner with Rick McArthur

A really great way to improve your volleyball IQ is to watch the best teams
in the world play the sport. Who knows, you may become a fan of one of the
top teams in the world. It is difficult to find games to watch as most of
the pro league teams and matches are in Europe and are not shown on
television here. Most countries have huge professional leagues with teams in
many cities.

The NCAA Women's Championships will be coming up in November so find out
which teams are in the top 10 this year, get on their websites and become a
follower of your favourite team.

YouTube is the best way to set pieces of games, great plays, great players.
Type in China vs Korea Women's Volleyball and see what comes up. While you
are watching, concentrate on what the players are doing to make plays. You
maybe able to improve your own skills. Remember that those players have had
tens of thousands more contacts than you have had to get where they are.

Finally, you might be able to find some on line games being played some
where and watch them live.

Keep working.


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