Wednesday 16 March 2011

Eating Healthy Tip #1

As the warm weather approaches we are all focused on getting our beach bodies in order. For some people this means avoid carbs like the plague.

This is definately not necessary or healthy for anybody.

When you eat carbs your body breaks it down into glucose (which is used for energy) and stores excess as glycogen. Once your glycogen levels are full, then the body stores the carbs as fat. When you exercise (or participate in any physical activity), your body uses the glyocgen stored in the muscles as an energy source.

Without getting too complicated here, the bottom line is that carbs are not bad. Your body needs them and uses them as a fuel source.

Obviously more active people use up more glycogen and therefore can eat more carbs without gaining the fat that people automatically assume carbs give you.

If you are not as active, you do not have to not eat carbs, because it is near impossible. You just have to be smart and limit your carb intake.

Quick Tips:
- Eat good carbs (fruits, vegetables, whole grains... lots of them out there do a quick search)
- Eat carb heavy meals pre workout or post workout in order to not let the carbs store in the body
- If you do want to limit carbs you should eat majority in the morning so that your body has fuel for the day.
- Don't eat less than 2 hours before bed

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