Friday 25 March 2011

Busted !

So if I hadn’t been doing badly enough in my bracket (3rd last), last night my fate was sealed. My number 1 pick to win it all, Duke, was eliminated last night against Arizona. They were pretty much my last chance at placing in the top 5 in our Victory pool since 2 of my final four were already out. I even entered in the 2nd chance pool to try to redeem myself in another bracket. I kept my top pick as Duke in that one as well though so this morning, I am 3rd from last in both pools. Not sure how I managed to do so terribly in both pools, but I’ve learned that March Madness brackets are not for me. I guess it serves me right for picking a bracket name in any way associated with Charlie Sheen. He is clearly not ‘winning’ and I will not even come close in this pool.  

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