After moving to a new city and beginning my placement here a Victory, I was debating between getting a  gym membership and joining  a yoga studio as far as exercise for the winter.  I really enjoy yoga, and find that it relaxes and calms me and also gives me a great workout. I was one of those naysayers not too long ago who argued that when I work out I like to sweat and feel like I’m actually getting fit. Now I realize that people who say that haven’t actually experienced yoga firsthand at a studio. I joined a great studio in Barrie where the owner was a former Olympic athlete and runner. I also run so I figured I would give it a shot and see what it was like. I really enjoyed it and was definitely sweating by the end. While I like to run outside, it’s tough in the winter months so I would rather do yoga in the winter and run occasionally than just join a gym where I don’t particularly enjoy running on a treadmill and don’t find the yoga classes as good. While debating between the two, I received an email for a deal of the day thing I registered for. It happened to be a great offer for classes at a yoga studio about 10 minutes from my new place. I took this as a sign that I was supposed to do this instead of the getting a gym membership. The site I found it on was

Wish me luck!